Friday, December 11, 2009

Amarillo by Morning

My father-in-law has been doing the church service, for almost 15 yrs, at the Working Ranch Cattle Association Finals (WRCA) in Amarillo. Brett has been once or twice, but I had never been, so we decided to go this year to see a few of the rodeo performances. We decided to make a this a kid free vacation and left the kiddos with my parents.

While there, I was able to so lots of shopping at the Trade show....which was bigger than I had ever expected. I could have spent some serious money, but I refrained and only bought a few things, that I just had to have. We were also fortunate to see some old friend from Hereford, as well as my best friend, Jill and her husband, Buck. They drove up from Groom to go to the Rodeo with us Sat. night and we were able to have a nice, kid free dinner beforehand.

We had a great time, but will tell you that we missed the kids terribly. I talked with Jackson several times on the phone and he kept asking me when the rodeo was going to be over. The boys will be bigger next year, so they will be coming with us & we will make it a family vacation.
All the ranches participating

Budweiser Clydesdales...they are so big & beautiful!

Jill & Buck....sure wish they lived closer!

Me and my hubby!
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Monday, November 23, 2009

Busier than ever!

So I am not driving the 120+ miles everyday, but life hasn't slowed down for us one bit.

I am loving my new job and still learning all the ins and outs....a little harder since my pregnant trainer is on bedrest and has been since day #4, but we are managing and she has been great help even from the comforts of her home or hospital bed..depending on what day it is. ;-) I also love having the boys with me on my drives to and from Farmersville everyday. Jackson still asks everyday to go with day he will catch on, bless his heart!

I am speaking for Brett, but I think he still loves being a full-time pastor. He is busy all the time, whether visiting folks in the hospital or counseling couples or helping to prepare food baskets for those in need. This is truly God's calling for him and am so thankful that he is where he is at has made him a better husband and father for our family.

Just a quick update on the boys....I have tons of pictures, but will have to post always, when I have more time. ;-)

  • Kelton has 6 teeth now....cut 3 within days of each other, so he looks funny with his top teeth staggered.

  • Jackson wants every single toy that he sees on TV or in an advertisement....whether it is a boy or girl toy. He tells whomever is there "Nana, I want that for Christmas" or " Momma, I need that from Santa". We just laugh as he watches TV to see what's next on his ever growing wish list.

  • Kelton has been scooting around on his butt for several weeks now and gets really angry when he ends up on his belly. Yesterday morning, he finally crawled 2-3 steps. Our life will soon be changing as he is able to get to whatever and wherever he wants now.

  • Jackson is nosey...gets it honestly...and has discovered Nana's hiding spot for Santa's gifts. He surprised Nana the other day by bringing out his present and asked "Nana, did you buy this for me?"

Our life is never dull with these two boys, but I thank God that I have more time to spend with them now. And that we have a such a wonderful support group (our families) to help us make them great kids and to teach them that goats are not really that friendly (thanks Uncle Marcus)!!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

My new adventure begins...

So since my drive to the "City" now consists of the big city of Farmersville, thought I would change my heading and do a quick post to say "Thank You" to everyone for their well wishes for the start of my new job tomorrow morning.

It was bitter sweet to leave GS for the final time on Friday knowing that it wasn't like my previous times, when I was actually coming back in 4 months after having a new child, this time would be my last. I was proud of myself that I didn't cry, though there were few that almost made me break down. I know that I will see a majority of them again and I have made life long friends with a few. My previous co-workers sent me off on to my new adventure with tons of food in my belly and a nice, little surprise as well.

So, tomorrow morning starts a new chapter in my life and I hope that it is going to be just as fun as the past chapters have been!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Happy 3rd Birthday - Jackson!!!

Just 3 short years ago, I went into early labor and at a little after 7am, a breach (sideways to be exact) Jackson Christopher Bird was born. Our lives have not been the same since. He brings such joy to our lives and we thank God everyday for blessing us with him.
Good Morning Birthday Boy!!

We all went in the wake him up, including Kelton!

His b-day party theme was Diego.
Thanks to all his friend and family that came to celebrate!
The cake...that had tons of icing!Posted by Picasa

Friday, October 9, 2009

Changes are coming!!

If you know me, and would hope so if you are reading this, my family is very important to me. While we don't always get to spend a lot of time together these days, we do enjoy those little moments at night, during dinner or while giving the kids baths & our limited weekend time as well.

Since having Kelton, my perspective on life and my family time has changed a lot. While it changed after having Jackson, something about two kids just makes life, well a little harder and you start to re-think things. That being said, I started re-thinking my long commute to Dallas everyday to work. Though I love my job & the people I work with, the 1-hour plus drive everyday was really taking its toll on me . It seemed like there was just enough time to get home, get dinner started, eat, give the kids baths, then bedtime.....hardly anytime to just sit and play with the kids.

So, I started praying that somehow something could change so that I could be able to spend more time with the kids & Brett. Well, it first started with Brett taking on the full time Associate Pastor position with our church and that helped a lot, especially with our evenings, just freeing up some of Brett's time so that he could spend more time with us & help me with the night routine. But, I was still the one making the long drive and I was growing tired of it every day.

I was talking to my friend Jill and giving her an update on my "job search"....which was nothing since I hadn't even updated my resume and I had told her that I just felt that I was going to let God be in complete control of this situation. Well, it wasn't the next day that I got a call about a job opportunity....great money, less hours, but still would have the commute. I entertained the idea, but after the 2nd round, I just knew that it wasn't the right spot for me and my family at this time. And then what does God do, he sends me another opportunity....15 minutes from the house!!! I tried not to get to excited b/c I wasn't even sure it would be something I really wanted or could afford to do. But God, being in control, just made everything fall into place and i accepted the job on Monday.

Starting November 2nd, my commute will now be to Farmersville and consist of around a 15 minute drive. I will be able to take the kids to & from my Mom's (who does the daycare drop off & pick-up for us), and spend more time with the kids both in the morning and at night! And to top if off, I get to work for a great family, that I have known for years and do something that I will enjoy.

We are all very excited about my new opportunity and know that only through God was this possible!!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Kelton's Halloween Fashion Show

So now that I have 2 kids, that means more money is shelled out for these two little guys. Well after pricing Halloween costumes at Target and other places, I decided, with the recommendation of my brother, to look at a resale shop, because I refuse to spend that much money on a costume worn 1 time.

Last Thursday, as I was on my way home, I stopped by Kid to Kid in Rockwall. They had tons of costumes, so I decided to pick up a few and bring them home and hopefully get Kelton to cooperate with me as we try these on. I was so surprised at how much he loved trying the costumes on. The Rooster, by far, was my favorite & I think possibly his, but since I will have to be carrying him most of the night, decided to go with something less bulky and we picked the Giraffe. Seemed fitting since we had the most fun feeding and petting them at the Colorado Springs Zoo on our vacation.

Jackson is still without a costume, but he is more vocal now, so there is no telling what we will end up in this year.

Quack! Quack!

What a cutie pie Giraffe!

Look at that pose and grin!

Fashion show is over!!

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Monday, September 28, 2009

Kelton is 7 months

It is hard to believe that 7 months have already passed. Kelton is such a joy and we are all so thankful he is part of our family. He is normally a happy baby as you can see by the photos, he is almost always smiling and laughing. He has the funniest laugh and really likes it when Jackson is the one making him laugh.
Kelton has had his 2 bottom teeth for almost a month now. And let me tell you, he is aware that they are there and will take any opportunity he can get to show you that he is boss. He tried to take a bite out of my chin during church on Sunday.
Kelton is also a fan of eating...but is very picky...will only eat fruit and oatmeal as of now. He hated every veggie we tried and even did the fake gag on sweet peas, though I must say I can't blame him on those.
These past 7 months have been wonderful and can't wait to watch him grow even more!

Our Happy Little Boy

Caught with his brother's gun!

He has learned to hold his own bottle....I don't let him do it often....don't want him to grow up too fast.

I caught Jackson being sweet and watching TV with Kelton the other night.
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