Things at the Bird house have been a little more crazy than normal these days. I started back to work on the 6th and now I am back in the real world, where I must actually get dressed everyday before 10 am and go to work. The transition has been ok, but I still struggle with having to leave the boys and me driving so far everyday, but with the economy today, I just thank God that I have a job and it is one that I at least enjoy, even if I have a long commute.
Well, after 2 short weeks back at work, I am off for a week long vacation in Colorado Springs. Brett, his Dad, Ross & Ty left this afternoon...they are getting the pleasure of driving and hauling 5 horses along with all the stuff it takes for 6 adults and 2 kids to survive away from home for a week...let's just say we had the most stuff. ;-) The kids, my mother-in-law and I leave tomorrow morning on a flight, that is sure to be more enjoyable than a 14+ hour drive with 2 kids. We plan to have a relaxing week full of catching up with old friends, horse back riding, day trip to Cheyenne for the rodeo, trip to the Zoo, a train ride around the mountains and maybe I will get to do a little bit of my most favorite!!
Just wanted to share a few photos of the kids...Kelton will be 5 months old next week and seems to be changing everyday. And Jackson is still 2 1/2 year old, Jackson.

My boys!!

Kelton has recently discovered that he has feet....I caught him in the checking them out after his bath.

I am not really sure how he came up with this outfit or why, but he was too cute and ready to have his picture taken.

Kelton loves to put things in his mouth and this was the first time I brought out the toys for him to play we just have to keep Jackson from taking them from him.

Jackson's typical hair do in the mornings....pretty similar to Daddy's.