We had a pretty busy, but relaxing weekend. Kelton and I went to a jewelry party on Sat afternoon and took a quick trip to Target...my favorite store! Jackson was helping daddy get his horse ready for the World show, that is at the end of the month, but decided he needed to go with me at the last minute, so he spent the afternoon with Nana and Papaw Jim since I was pretty certain he would be too much to handle at the party. Sunday, Brett was asked to come preach again at Cross Country Cowboy Church in Sulphur Springs and did such a great job. God was working with lots of hearts there that morning. My dad decided to come with us and it was great to have him there to hear Brett and see how God is using him. The rest of the day was spent relaxing at home & watching Jackson swim in his pool! What a great, blessed life we have!!

Yes, that is me driving Jackson around. He wanted me to drive him around on his John Deere tractor. I honestly thought the thing could not possibly hold all my weight and actually go, but I was wrong. We drove around the yard for a good 10 minutes and it did fine....leave it to a John Deere!

Jackson being the "Big Boy" and helping Lorkin walk back across the soccer field. This was Skylar's last soccer game of the season.

Last night Jackson was lining up his frogs and having a good time playing in the tub. I just popped in and told him to smile. Not sure what was going on with his hair.

Trying out the Bumbo seat again with Kelton....he sat in it today for about 30 minutes. He may never roll over, but he will be able to sit upright just fine. ;-)

His new hobby...chewing on his hands!

Jackson being "sweet" to Kelton yesterday afternoon.
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